25 Apr
What Role Can Genomics Play in Your Health Care?
Posted: April 25, 2017
Many of us have family histories of heart disease, cancer, stroke or diabetes and maybe even Alzheimer’s disease. I know my family is packed full of most if not all of these diseases. I have often thought I would like to know if I had markers for certain diseases and then decided maybe I didn’t […]
19 Apr
Happy Healthy Hump Day: Childhood Diabetes, It’s Not Just Type 1 Anymore
Posted: April 19, 2017
Childhood Diabetes, It’s Not Just Type 1 Anymore Bobbi here with a subject close to my heart, children with diabetes. My first job as a registered dietitian was as a counselor and educator for children with diabetes. You may think that making a 5 year old understand what is happening inside his body and what […]
18 Apr
Health Care Reform; What to Do, What to Do
Posted: April 18, 2017
Everyone Has an Opinion; But, Who Has a Plan Where are we with the effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act? We hear differing reports that are all over the spectrum. For example: On March 24, the day Republicans killed their American Health Care Act, President Trump said he would now turn his […]
12 Apr
Healthy Hump Day: Vaccines and Preventable Diseases
Posted: April 12, 2017
Bobbi, your registered dietitian here. Today, I am going to deviate from food and diet and talk about another concern that young mothers (and fathers) share. Vaccines. Did you know that despite progress, approximately 42,000 adults and 300 children in the United States die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases? People in the United States continue […]
11 Apr
Finally, Telemedicine Lives Up to Its Potential
Posted: April 11, 2017
Virtual care (telemedicine) is growing rapidly for many reasons including convenience, time efficiency and affordability. More than half of U.S. hospitals have a telemedicine program. This number is expected to reach 70% in just a few years. Virtual visits can be used for mild symptoms, weekend illnesses or after hour visits, not to mention a […]