19 Oct
Health Insurance Brokers Cut Through the Political Clutter
Posted: October 19, 2016
Amy Mutter is the legislative chair of the Virginia Association of Health Underwriters and serves as a licensed insurance agent and customer service representative here at Innovative Insurance Group in Roanoke. It is rare for a small business owner or an individual to have a candid face-to-face conversation with the health insurance company that safeguards […]
22 Sep
Health Insurance Rebates
Posted: September 22, 2016
Checks due to you by 09/30/2016! The Affordable Care Act (ACA) sets limits on how much insurers can spend on administrative costs, marketing, and other non-health care-related costs. This is called the Medical Loss Ratio (MLR), if the minimum MLR threshold is not met within a market segment for the full calendar year, insurers must […]
15 Sep
Tools and Tips During a Time of Loss
Posted: September 15, 2016
Always go to the funeral. I read this message several weeks ago in an online repost and I remember it catching my eye. I’ve always questioned those who seemingly go to every funeral they hear about, however, the past several days have brought for me a new perspective. This week my family has suffered the […]
02 Sep
Fun and Frivolous Friday – Lawsuits that will make You Laugh Out Loud
Posted: September 2, 2016
This list is not only frivolous, it is ridiculous and hilarious. I could not put it better than Joe Patrice did in his Above the Law article, Top 10 Frivolous Lawsuits List Is… Frivolous, But Funny, “The list rarely disappoints when it comes to wacky recovery theories, conniving litigants, and all-around ‘smack my head’ moments.” According to […]
30 Aug
It’s That Time Again, Back to School
Posted: August 30, 2016
A few observations… In my house, the start of school means that the days will quickly become more and more filled with books, math, music, and swim and less and less with iPad’s, smartphones, Snapchat, or petty bickering. Like most kids, mine thrive best when there is a balance between structure and free time and […]