25 Aug
How Drug Coupons and Costs Affect Your Healthcare Premiums
Posted: August 25, 2016
The Epi-Pen Saga and the Truth Behind It Like many families, my child suffers from a deadly food allergy. That makes an Epi-Pen refill a necessary back-to-school-supply for us. While your family may not deal with this type of allergy, you are probably familiar with the Epi-Pen, the most common emergency treatment for the sudden […]
24 Aug
Healthy Hump Day: Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Posted: August 24, 2016
Hey, it’s Bobbi again. If you are anything like me, you are busy making sure your kiddos get a healthy breakfast, brush their teeth and hair, have on clothes that meet school standards and make it to the bus. Who has time to sit down and eat a healthy breakfast? The next time you rush […]
23 Aug
Pet Ownership – It’s a WIN-WIN!
Posted: August 23, 2016
You’ve heard the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Well, how about an animal a day keeps the doctor away?! When it comes to owning a dog or cat, there are several proven health benefits – physical as well as mental well-being. Read on for at least 5 ways a dog […]
11 Aug
Wine and Its Health Benefits
Posted: August 11, 2016
Whether you’re a total wine lover who knows the difference between the base notes of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir or just enjoy pouring yourself a glass after a long day, you can probably attest to how great a good glass of vino really is. It’s no wonder that ancient Greeks used to consume plenty […]
09 Aug
Medicare Eligible and Group Coverage
Posted: August 9, 2016
Important Facts that Employers need to know Under federal regulations, Medicare is a secondary payer for many individuals who have an employer group health plan available to them, either as an employee or the dependent spouse or child of the employee. Rules prohibit employers with more than 20 employees from incentivizing an active employee age […]