26 Jul
What Should You Know About the Zika Virus
Posted: July 26, 2016
Zika was first discovered in 1947 in Uganda with outbreaks reported from 1951-1981 throughout Africa. Since 2014 the virus has spread quickly reaching Puerto Rico and may keep traveling north. According to the CDC, Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. These mosquitoes are aggressive daytime biters and can also bite at […]
21 Jul
A Healthy Glow the Natural Way
Posted: July 21, 2016
Natural Oils and Their Anti-Aging Properties The days seem to go by oh so much faster than they used to. As I find myself AND my skin “not getting any younger”, I’ve come to realize, based on a recent conversation with my naturally beautiful sister n’ law, that we can spend a lot of time and research, […]
19 Jul
Who has time for a full-blown vacation?
Posted: July 19, 2016
Not me. At least not the kind of vacation that my family and I became accustomed to where we were gone two weeks each summer. Two consecutive weeks when we were lucky. For these trips we would rent a large house right on the beach along the gulf coast. That is long enough to start contemplating remodeling one […]
14 Jul
Posted: July 14, 2016
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) provides protections for most employees concerning minimum wages and overtime. Certain employees are known as “exempt” from those standards. Those mainly include executive, administrative and professional employees. There are generally three tests to have this exemption apply: Salary basis test – pay is predetermined and fixed and not subject […]
13 Jul
Healthy Hump Day: Is Eating Right at an Amusement Park Possible?
Posted: July 13, 2016
Is Eating Right at an Amusement Park Possible? I Say Yes. My family loves amusement parks. We have already ventured to Hershey Park, a family favorite, and have a fun-filled adventure to Disney World planned later this year. Taking kids, especially picky-eaters, to an amusement park for entire days can be difficult. As a registered […]