Happy Healthy Hump Day: Eating Healthy on Vacation
Posted: August 16, 2017
My family is getting ready to go on vacation. By the time you read this, we will be soaking up the sun and fun at the beach. In the past, we have let ourselves go and splurged on snacks and high calorie foods. This year I have a different approach. According to WebMD, don’t leave […]
Lunch is About More than Chowing Down
Posted: August 15, 2017
Eating lunch at your desk seems like a good idea. After all, you get more work done, show your coworkers how hard working you are, and you still eat enough to fuel the rest of your workday, right? According to LifeHacker.com, besides maybe not being as productive as you think, eating lunch at your desk is […]
Happy Healthy Hump Day: Building a Solid Foundation for Lifelong Health, Learning and Well-Being
Posted: August 9, 2017
Bobbi here. I have a five year old about to start kindergarten and an eight year old that, well, you know, “is going on 21”. Both are active and social. We want what is best for them and what will make them happy, right? Not sure that they always go hand-in-hand. One of the things […]
Getting Back To Work After A Vacation
Posted: August 8, 2017
A Glassdoor survey taken earlier this year demonstrated that Americans only take 25% of their allotted paid vacation time, and well over half work while they’re away. It’s understandable–the tasks keep coming, the emails pour in, and the prospect of going away and letting it all build up only to engulf you upon return seems […]
Happy Companies Make Loyal Employees – Corporate Strategies for Physical and Mental Health; Fifth in a Series
Posted: August 1, 2017
From Chapter 7 in What Happy Companies Know: Ask not for whom the stress tolls, it tolls for thee. Each and every person in business runs the risk of a stress-induced collapse. As some people might give out after hiking 10 miles and other people might give out after 20 miles, some individuals may react to stress […]